Breakdown behaviour of silicon insulation with differently doped layers under DC stress

verfasst von
Mirnes Aganbegović, Mohammad Taghi Imani, Peter Werle

The aim of this work is the investigation of the electrical properties of such layered dielectrics under high DC stress. The individual layers have different dielectric strengths, which are dependent on the electric conductivity and the temperature. For this purpose, test samples were made, which are composed of two silicone layers, one without fillers and the other made of the same base silicone, mixed with a specific amount of graphite powder. A challenge here is the determination of an appropriate amount of graphite additive, without deteriorating the dielectric strength of the layered silicone sample. It must be also ensured that by the preparation of samples a homogenous distribution of the graphite in the material prevails. Simultaneously, the samples should be bubble-free and flawless. Accordingly, the material was subjected to several degassing and vibration processes. The change in the dielectric strength is to be investigated by measuring and comparing the DC breakdown voltage on layered and non-layered test samples. In order to clarify the influence of the temperature on the properties of the silicone elastomer, each measurement series was repeated at different temperatures. In addition, the breakdown spots are analyzed with a digital microscope in order to determine the direction of the breakdown in the layered test samples.

Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik und Asset Management (Schering-Institut)
Institut für Elektrische Energiesysteme
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ASJC Scopus Sachgebiete
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen und Fertigungstechnik
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