Erweiterte Suche der Leibniz Universität Hannover


Ergebnisse 1 bis 15

01. Jan 1904
PDF: J._Tropical_forest_173-180_02.pdf

Ujian ini juga bertujuan untuk menilai kandungan makronutrien dedaun dan kayu spesies pokok berlainan serta mengkaji kesan spesies pokok terhadap nitrogen tanah. Introduction The forest cover of Ethiopia used to be 35–40% of its total land area (EFAP 1994). As a result of clearing of forests for cultivating crops and cutting trees and shrubs for various purposes, the natural forest cover has declined to 16% of the land area in the early 1950s, to 3.6% in the 1980s and to remnants of only 2.7% in 1989 (EFAP 1994).

01. Jan 1904
PDF: J._Tropical_forest_173-180_02.pdf

Ujian ini juga bertujuan untuk menilai kandungan makronutrien dedaun dan kayu spesies pokok berlainan serta mengkaji kesan spesies pokok terhadap nitrogen tanah. Introduction The forest cover of Ethiopia used to be 35–40% of its total land area (EFAP 1994). As a result of clearing of forests for cultivating crops and cutting trees and shrubs for various purposes, the natural forest cover has declined to 16% of the land area in the early 1950s, to 3.6% in the 1980s and to remnants of only 2.7% in 1989 (EFAP 1994).

04. Mai 2023
Modeling forest soil properties in the canton Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland – Institute of Physical…

Research Projects Dr. Jens Groß Modeling forest soil properties in the canton Basel Landschaft, Switzerland Led by: Thomas Mosimann E Mail: herbst phygeo.uni Team: Philipp Herbst Year: 2006 Funding: Canton Basel Landschaft Duration: 2006 2010 Is Finished: yes Short description Based on the data of extensive field surveys, this project utilized Digital Soil Mapping DSM methods to develop maps of different forest soil properties for forests in the cantons Basel Landschaft and Basel Stadt.

08. Jun 2022
The Effects of Population Dynamics on Forest Sources and Sustainable Refugee Integration in Rural…

Jul. 2024 15:20 16:00 Brigitte Ruesink The Effects of Population Dynamics on Forest Sources and Sustainable Refugee Integration in Rural Zambia Referent/Referentin M.Sc. Brigitte Ruesink Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote Termin 10.

15. Feb 2024
Naturschutzfachliche Begleitforschung im Wildnisbildungs-Projekt: Waldscout Expedition in die……

Christopher Garthe Year: 2012 Funding: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) Duration: Oktober 2008 - März 2012 Is Finished: yes Further information Kurzbeschreibung: Das Projekt Waldscout Expedition in die Wildnis setzt neue Akzente in der Umweltbildung in Nationalparks, indem es Wildnis als gesellschaftlich relevante Kulturaufgabe begreift und die verwildernde Natur als besonderen Lernraum der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung betrachtet. Dieses Grundverständnis spiegelt sich im theoretischen Konzept der Wildnisbildung wider. Im Rahmen einer fünftägigen Klassenfahrt zu einer Jugendherberge am Nationalpark Kellerwald-Edersee unternehmen Kinder und Jugendliche eine 24-stündige Expedition in die Wildnis, die von ihnen vorbereitet und mit Un...

04. Mai 2023
Feasibility study on the integration of status information of forest ecosystems and their ecosystem…

Benjamin Burkhard Feasibility study on the integration of status information of forest ecosystems and their ecosystem services matrix approach Led by: Winfried Schröder Universität Vechta E Mail: winfried.schroeder uni Team: Claudia Dworczyk, Benjamin Burkhard Year: 2016 Funding: German Umweltbundesamt UBA Duration: 08.2016 06.2017 Is Finished: yes Remarks: Lehrstuhl für Landschaftsökologie der Universität Vechta LLÖK Project partners University Vechta Landscape Ecology, LLÖK , Waldkunde Institut Eberswalde W.I.E. Short description This study uses an integrative approach to assess the status information and development of forest ecosystems in all of Germany. Based on these results, the nationwide status and functions of forest ecosystems are evaluated along with the changes over space and time.

16. Jan 2024
The Effects of Population Dynamics on Forest Sources and Sustainable Refugee Integration in Rural…

Jul. 2024 15:20 16:00 Brigitte Ruesink The Effects of Population Dynamics on Forest Sources and Sustainable Refugee Integration in Rural Zambia Speaker M.Sc. Brigitte Ruesink Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote Date 10.

14. Mai 2024
Accompanying Nature Conservation Research in the Wilderness Education Project: Forest Scout……

Accompanying Nature Conservation Research in the Wilderness Education Project: Forest Scout Expedition in the Wilderness Led by: Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren, Dr. Eick von Ruschkowski Team: Dipl Geogr. Christopher Garthe Year: 2012 Funding: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU Duration: October 2008 March 2012 Is Finished: yes Further information https://www.nabu waldeck kellerwald edersee.html Summary: The project Waldscout Expedition in die Wildnis Forest Scout Expedition in the Wilderness sets new accents in environmental education in national parks by understanding wilderness as a socially relevant cultural task and by considering wild nature as a special learning space for education for sustainable development.

18. Jun 2024
The Effects of Population Dynamics on Forest Sources and Sustainable Refugee Integration in Rural…

Jul. 2024 15:20 16:00 Brigitte Ruesink The Effects of Population Dynamics on Forest Sources and Sustainable Refugee Integration in Rural Zambia Referent/Referentin M.Sc. Brigitte Ruesink Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote Termin 10.

07. Dez 2023
When nano-scale meets biodiversity: retention and recycling mechanisms of organic phosphorus in soil……

SPP 1685 Ecosystem Nutrition: Forest Strategies for limited Phosphorus Resources Leitung: Dr. Robert Mikutta, Dr. Jens Boy, Prof. Dr. Georg Guggenberger Jahr: 2013 Laufzeit: 2013 2016 Beteiligte Institutionen der FZ:GEO: Institut für Bodenkunde Soil organic matter is considered to become an increasingly important source of bioavailable phosphorus P with depletion of inorganic P within primary minerals.

20. Dez 2023
When nano-scale meets biodiversity: retention and recycling mechanisms of organic phosphorus in soil……

SPP 1685 Ecosystem Nutrition: Forest Strategies for limited Phosphorus Resources Led by: Dr. Robert Mikutta, Dr. Jens Boy, Prof. Dr. Georg Guggenberger Year: 2013 Duration: 2013 2016 Beteiligte Institutionen der FZ:GEO: Institut für Bodenkunde Soil organic matter is considered to become an increasingly important source of bioavailable phosphorus P with depletion of inorganic P within primary minerals.

09. Feb 2023
Natural forest management in Neotropical mountain rain forests – QUEST-LFS – Leibniz Universität…

Natural forest management in Neotropical mountain rain forests An ecological experiment verfasst von S. Guenter, O. Cabrera, Malte Weber, B. Stimm, Manuela Zimmermann, K.

09. Feb 2023
Understanding forest users' participation in participatory forest management (PFM) – QUEST-LFS –…

Understanding forest users participation in participatory forest management PFM Insights from Mt. Elgon forest ecosystem, Kenya verfasst von Robert Mbeche, Josiah Ateka, Raoul Herrmann, Ulrike Grote Abstract Participation of local communities in forest management decision making has been promoted as a mechanism of improving livelihoods and forest conditions, yet the level of participation in many programs remains low. Using data from a cross sectional survey of 924 forest dependent households in Western Kenya, we examine the factors that support or constrain forest dependent people s participation in a Participatory Forest Management PFM program.

26. Jan 2022
Understanding forest users' participation in participatory forest management (PFM) – Nachhaltigkeit…

Understanding forest users participation in participatory forest management PFM Insights from Mt. Elgon forest ecosystem, Kenya verfasst von Robert Mbeche, Josiah Ateka, Raoul Herrmann, Ulrike Grote Abstract Participation of local communities in forest management decision making has been promoted as a mechanism of improving livelihoods and forest conditions, yet the level of participation in many programs remains low. Using data from a cross sectional survey of 924 forest dependent households in Western Kenya, we examine the factors that support or constrain forest dependent people s participation in a Participatory Forest Management PFM program.

09. Jan 2023
Understanding forest users' participation in participatory forest management (PFM) – Sustainability…

Understanding forest users participation in participatory forest management PFM Insights from Mt. Elgon forest ecosystem, Kenya authored by Robert Mbeche, Josiah Ateka, Raoul Herrmann, Ulrike Grote Abstract Participation of local communities in forest management decision making has been promoted as a mechanism of improving livelihoods and forest conditions, yet the level of participation in many programs remains low. Using data from a cross sectional survey of 924 forest dependent households in Western Kenya, we examine the factors that support or constrain forest dependent people s participation in a Participatory Forest Management PFM program.

Ergebnisse 1 bis 15
