Jahresbericht 2024
Zeige Ergebnisse 181 - 200 von 762
Hartje M, Werle P. Wicklungsaufbau abgeleitet aus modifizierter FRA. in VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016. VDE Verlag GmbH. 2016. S. 466-471. (VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016).
Imani MT, Miethe JF, Werle P, Bigall NC, Borsi H. Engineering of Multifunctional Nanofluids for Insulation Systems of High Voltage Apparatus. in 2016 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 2016. S. 44-47. 7785611. (Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP). doi: 10.1109/ceidp.2016.7785611
Imani MT, Miethe J, Werle P, Bigall NC, Yadav MK. Entwicklung von Multifunktionalen Nanofluiden als Isolierflüssigkeit in Hochspannungssystemen. in VDE-Hochspannungstechnik 2016: Vorträge der ETG-Fachtagung 14.-16. November 2016 in Berlin. VDE Verlag GmbH. 2016. S. 360-365. (ETG-Fachberichte).
Jahangir H, Akbari Azirani ME, Werle P, Farahani M, Szczechowski J. UHF PD Measurements on Power Transformers: Sensitivity Investigations. 2016.
Kinkeldey T, Werle P, Gockenbach E. Zustandsbewertung von Transformatoren auf Basis des entropiegestützten Health-Index. 2016.
Kuhnke M, Homeier K, Werle P, Gockenbach E. Investigation of the formation of wax-like substances in silicone and ester fluids. in 2016 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 2016. S. 861-864. 7785461. (Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP). doi: 10.1109/ceidp.2016.7785461
Kuhnke M, Homeier K. Untersuchung der X-Wachsbildung in Transformatoren. in Transformer Life Management Tagung 2016, TLM 2016. 2016. S. 179-186. 18
Kuhnke M, Gockenbach E, Werle P. Wachsbildung in Transformatoren von Windenergieanlagen. in VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016. VDE Verlag GmbH. 2016. S. 590-595. (VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016).
Mohseni H, Samimi MH, Seifi S, Mohammadhossein M, Akmal AAS, Mohseni S et al. New laboratories in High Voltage Institute of University of Tehran for teaching power engineering courses. IET Generation, Transmission Distribution. 2016 Aug 4;10(11):2810-2816. doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2016.0011
Najafi SAM, Saadati H, Werle P. Comparison of Acoustical Partial Discharge Signals under AC and DC Stress. in Conference Proceedings 34th Electrical Insulation Conference, EIC 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 2016. S. 523-526. 7548652 doi: 10.1109/EIC.2016.7548652
Najafi SAM, Werle P. Investigation on the possibility of silent partial discharges inside power transformers. in Conference Proceedings 34th Electrical Insulation Conference, EIC 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 2016. S. 279-279. 7548599 doi: 10.1109/EIC.2016.7548599
Rahimbakhsh M, Werle P, Gockenbach E. Determination of transfer function of power transformer winding sections for partial discharge localization using design information. in 2016 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 2016. S. 191-194. 7785498. (Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP). doi: 10.1109/CEIDP.2016.7785498
Rahimbakhsh M, Werle P, Gockenbach E. Using Sectional Transfer Function for Partial Discharge Localization on Power Transformers. 2016.
Rahimbakhsh M, Werle P, Gockenbach E. Utilization of Analysis Software Using a New Algorithm for the Evaluation of AC and DC signals from Measurement Instruments. 2016.
Saadati H, Seifert JM, Werle P, Gockenbach E, Borsi H. Flashover Performance of Polluted Composite Insulators Under AC and Hybrid AC/DC Field Stress. in Conference Proceedings 34th Electrical Insulation Conference, EIC 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 2016. S. 170-173. 7548687 doi: 10.1109/EIC.2016.7548687
Saadati H, Seifert JM, Werle P, Gockenbach E. Investigation on the partial discharge behaviour in GFRP under AC and combined AC/DC field stress. 2016.
Szczechowski J, Jahangir H, Werle P. UHF TE Messungen - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. 2016.
Werle P, Szczechowski J, Asshauer T. HV-Testing of Power Transformers with Electronic Power Sources. 2016.
Werle P. Transformer Windings – An Overview. 2016.
Zhou X, Shi HB, Kuhnke M, Werle P, Gockenbach E, Borsi H. Evolution and discharge pattern of creeping discharge at aged oil/pressboard interface. in 2016 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP 2016. 2016. S. 1053-1056. 7785568. (Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP). doi: 10.1109/ceidp.2016.7785568